We are honored that introduce to you to profile our company Omega Trade Omega Trade Company is One of the expert companies of scientific instruments and laboratory equipment specially the chromatography, That's where we have a high skill and training to provide high-comprehensive service through the following activities Refurbishing, repair and maintenance of all scientific instruments and laboratory equipment and provide a guarantee on the work of equipment of many brands, for example: Chromatography Instruments (GC, HPLC, GCMS) Spectrophotometer, NMR, AAS, Lovibond, Gas Generators Centrifuge, Balances, Hot plats, e.g......... (HP, Agilent, Dani, Perkin Elmer, Varian,Shimadzu e.g.………..) Contracts for the periodic maintenance of all equipment and supply all the spare parts needed to operate the equipment for all brands. Import and supply of all lab equipment and ensure its maintenance for excellent prices.
Our team is always available to assist you.
info@omega-scientific.com sales.omegatrade@gmail.com
Mobile :+ 201061010203 Phone: +20233055480 Fax : +20233055480
206 Sudan St. El Mohandeseen, Giza, Egypt Postal code : 12655